Tuesday, May 18, 2010

handy hints 1

in tropical climates, baby powder is your friend.

you should shower more, not less, if you are sweating.

those places you don't think you need baby powder? you do. apply lots. remember, if it works for babies, it works for you.

flowery scents? not your friend in places with lots of bugs.

try not to stand out. if other foreigners are looking at you strange, then locals are probably looking at you strange. and if the locals are not doing something, you probably shouldn't be doing it either.

always pack a clothes line. it doesn't take much space, and you never know when you'll need it.

if you have a chance to email, do it. you don't know when you'll have the next chance.

when mountain biking, leaning back helps to slow you, so you don't have to wear out the brakes so fast.

if you've been sweating for days, don't assume that when your skin starts to itch that it is not from dry skin. it probably is dry skin. sweating that long just keeps it from looking dry.

damp underwear are not as refreshing as they sound.

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